A New Year

Nicholas Quirke was surprised on 18th February to wake from a vivid and interesting dream. He was not in the habit of remembering his nocturnal thoughts but the coherence of this story, of rediscovery and youth, intrigued him and he resolved to look at it later. Nicholas and Kim went to breakfast at Charlie Cox where they ate and read the newspapers for a couple of hours. Nicholas raised the subject of his dream and they proceeded to enjoy an in-depth analysis of its meaning They had decided to go to see ‘Ladybird’ at the Kino Cinema which was a really affecting and touching coming of age story; one of his favourite genres. Kim had booked to have her nails done and whilst she was engaged in this pursuit, he took to the pavements of Melbourne to enjoy the final burst of the Chinese New Year Celebrations. As the move into the Year of the Dog was coming to an end, the events on the street proved to be theatrical, exciting and colourful. Various groups performed a variety of stories which involved the deafening eruption of firecrackers as dragons whirled dervishly around the sidewalks as well witnessing them battling over watermelons which were kicked into oblivion. They were inspiring acrobatic and athletic performances and he, along with the crowds revelled in the display. Nicholas and Kim reconvened for lunch. They discovered a small bar called Self Preservation which had some lovely salads on display and with their individual fussy eating habits they managed to negotiate a really tasty meal. One of the waitresses, Livia, from Grenoble talked to them about her travels and how she managed to keep herself moving around the world. It was another evening at home, and Nicholas prepared for it by buying ‘20th Century Woman’ for Kim which she had never seen. He made a trip to the shops for some salads and snacks before watching the movie. Nicholas was pleased to see that Annette Bening’s performance had lost none of its appeal though Kim pointing out that everyone’s hair was unwashed tainted the experience. They revived a short drama session before retiring, which was a much more positive note on which to end the evening.


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